Murder Mysteries
Everyone loves a good "whodunit." WV Enterprises can present one of eight murder mysteries just right for your audiences. Using members of your staff or organization, and with just two or three rehearsals, we can produce a hilarious and entertaining murder mystery. The production includes the staged murder, a time for interrogation from the audience and an opportunity for the audience to guess the murderer. These mysteries have been presented at state parks, universities and a variety of special events. It is an evening full of laughs and thrills, sure to delight any audience.
- Murder Noire - Hollywood loves a killing.
- Gambling on Murder - Would you bet your life on it?
- A Beauty of a Murder - A beauty pageant to die for.
- Murder Served Family Style Family reunion gone wrong.
- A Wedding to Die For - A most unusual wedding.
- Win, Lose or Die - A game show with very high stakes.
- Murder League - A women's baseball league off to a bad start.
- Reunited for Murder- This is one high school reunion you won't forget
Karen also developed several musical murder mysteries with her group The In-Cahoots Players. These mysteries are also available to your group, but require more rehearsal time to incorporate the music.
- Music, Mayham and Murder - 50's style girl group, Gigi Sharp and the Meringues, are up to no good.
- A Groovy Kind of Murder - Revisit a 1960's Love-In that wasn't so loving.
- A Country Music Murder - The Bodacious Bodine Sisters have more than music on their minds.
- Beach Blanket Bump-Off - There is trouble in paradise and somebody will find themselves adrift in a sea of trouble.
- Dream of Murder - Join us for a telethon to raise money for an important cause - narcoleptic beauticians where murder is more of a nightmare than a dream.